- Participated in 30 days workshops for basic of Arduino Programming and Robotics.
- Built project on Automated Gear Shift Mechanism using PIR sensor and Arduino.
- Tools used: Arduino IDE, Tinker Cad.
Looking forward to learn from Industry leading Organizations and Experts. Started the Electronics adventure as a hobbyist and driven by curiosity how things work and how to make them better and efficient. Passionate about circuits and control logic.
An Arduino based project which is interfaced with Esp8266 wifi module for wifi connectivity. It had a unique feature to control fan speed without any modification in fan design. We achieved it by adding a traditional fan regulator and relays to change the speed accordingly to the user needs.
An Esp8266 based water tank management system featuring auto fill and auto cutoff mechanism. Works with multiple tanks and features a modular desgin which can be expanded as per requirements. Interfaced with Blynk IoT platform for App Controls.The design can be modified to accommodate the ground water tanks.
Bases on SIM800L and GPSNeo 6M interfaced with Esp8266, which provided a portable low power GPS tracking solution which can also used for Women and Children Saftey. It sends location when it receives the Sms "Send Location" from the registered mobile no.
This System tracks the power generated by the panel in real time & compares it with the amount of Sunlight available which is measured with an Ldr sensor. The both values are compared with an OP amp and we can decide if the panel are dirty or not. In return we can notify the user to switch on cleaning pump to clean the panel. The button for pump is also provided in the App
we used Blynk IoT app for controls.